La poète afghane Somaia Ramish envoie cet appel – voir ci-dessous – suite à l’interdiction décrétée par les Talibans d’écrire de la poésie, transmis à Cécile Oumhani
par la poète américaine Marilyn Hacker.
Si vous souhaitez vous y associer, il s’agit d’écrire un poème en réponse à cette interdiction. Les poèmes doivent être envoyés à :
Les accompagner d’une courte bio et d’une photo.
Tout cela avant le 1er mars 2023.
A call to poets around the world
« Bamdaad »
House of Poetry in Ban & In-exile.
The turbulent contemporary history is so full of ups and downs that sometimes the name of life is called death. In a society where life is forgotten, its people only kill days and moments to continue living. Sometimes breathing is not a sign of life. Humans who have been deprived of freedom, justice, happiness and hope, how can they feel alive.
The people of Afghanistan are living under the brutal rule of the Taliban regime, where art, poetry, music, hope, and happiness are banned. Following the ban on education, work, travel, and every possible freedom for women, this time the Taliban also issued an order banning writing poetry. Although it is obvious that no one can stop people from poetry, intellect, feeling, emotion and thinking, but issuing such verdicts are immoral, unfair and humiliating.
We can testify that poetry has always flowed from the heart of darkness and chaos of history. A proud history has emerged from the heart of time and countless sufferings. But sometimes thinking about the impossibility of writing poetry is shocking. The impossibility of writing poetry, the prohibition of poetry and the prohibition of writing cannot exist. But thinking of this state of existence is destructive. « Bamdad » is the house of poetry in ban & in-exile of Afghanistan, which collects, registers, translates and publishes works in ban & in-exile. In its first call, « Bamdad » has asked Afghan poets to send their poems for publication and broadcast – and to fight against this impossible ban.
The second call of « Bamdad » asks all the poets of the world to think for a moment about the impossibility of writing poetry and the banning of poetry and to write a poem in solidarity with the poets of Afghanistan and send them to the address of « Bamdad », the house of poetry in ban & in-exile.
By publishing this call, « Bamdat » invites poets, poetic and cultural associations of the world who believe in freedom and equality to be with the poets of Afghanistan in this artistic-protest movement. Also, we welcome any help to expand this platform and any cooperation in registering, publishing, translating and broadcasting these poems.
We ask you to imagine yourself in a country where poetry, happiness, thinking and freedom are forbidden. Then write it for us in the form of a poem. « Bamdad » will collect and publish these poems. This movement is a symbol of the solidarity of poets of the world and shows the indomitability and longevity of poetry and at the same time a humanistic action against oppression, injustice and oppression!
We invite all the poets who read this call anywhere in the world;
Send a piece of your poem ,a short biography and a photo to these addresses to protest the ban on poetry in Afghanistan.
The last date for sending the poems is:
1- March- 2023
Best regards
Somaia Ramish